How to Meet Health Codes for Food Transport

Article Submitted by Foodtradeconsultants

Health codes are imposed for the protection of the masses. Far too often, these critical guidelines are not properly observed. The transportation of foodstuffs hygienically need not be a complicated, costly or inconvenient process. By following a few basic guidelines, your food is guaranteed to arrive safe for consumption at any given destination.

General Practices

Even though each health code differs according to the locality, a few similar aspects remain prevalent to the hygienic transport of food. The temperature at which your food is stored is an essential element of safe food transportation. Certain foods require lowered temperatures in order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Hot food followers a similar trend, requiring a higher heat to hold safety.

Food should be regularly monitored by making use of a kitchen thermometer. All containers used for the transport of food should be well insulted. A more expensive, yet effective, solution would be the use of electrical powered carriers to ensure the temperature levels are correct.

Other than the direct factors affecting the food itself, many indirect causes of contamination could be prevalent in your work environment. Your transport vehicle should be free from any form of dirt and should be cleaned frequently, most often after each use.  Contamination from unclean staff members or utensils should also be avoided at all costs; stay clean!

Maintain a List

When catering to any function you are presented with a host of different factors that require your attention. Prioritizing cleanliness, sanitisation and correct cooking practices are the easiest ways to avoid any health code violations. By keeping a checklist and working to it at all times you will ascertain that there will be no quality or health violations whatsoever.